Online Banking And Social Media: Does Your Estate Plan Account For Them?
February 15th, 2013
So, you have an estate plan, you’ve had numerous conversations with your partner about his or her wishes regarding after-death plans for property and person. You’d think that would be enough, but many surviving spouses are finding there are headaches galore in untangling banking accounts and on-line bill pay, internet user names and passwords, and estate tax questions. Losing someone you love is hard enough. No one needs to suffer through this aggravation. A thorough, modern estate plan considers digital assets such as these, and our firm is on the cutting edge of this kind of planning. Give us a call for assistance in creating an estate plan that meets all of your needs, or to help you in untangling online and digital assets issues following the death of a spouse. The Wall Street Journal had an excellent article that provides clarity on this complex issue,