estate plan

Thomas & Bayes-Weiner, LLC

Online Banking And Social Media: Does Your Estate Plan Account For Them?

February 15th, 2013 So, you have an estate plan, you’ve had numerous conversations with your partner about his or her wishes regarding after-death plans for property and person. You’d think that would be enough, but many surviving spouses are finding there are headaches galore in untangling banking accounts and on-line bill pay, internet user names […]

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Thomas & Bayes-Weiner, LLC

Let Your Heirs Take To The Air When You Pass Along Frequent Flier Miles

February 1, 2013 Have you ever thought about what happens to your frequent flier miles after your death? Believe it or not, frequent flier miles are an estate asset, just like your house or bank accounts, and they often can be bequeathed to another person in an estate plan. Although not all airlines accept this […]

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Thomas & Bayes-Weiner, LLC

American Taxpayer Relief Act: How Is My Estate Affected?

January 16, 2013 Wondering how your estate plan might be affected by the fiscal cliff deal recently passed by Congress? Forbes magazine recently published an article that gives a great overview of how the American Taxpayer Relief Act might affect your estate after death. To learn more, see:

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